5 Quick Ways to Stay Productive During Hurricane Dorian

- Grab some good books to read
This is the perfect time to get your read on. Whether you want to make a last minute dash to the bookstore or pull a book from your home collection, it's the perfect time to get caught up on some reading you've been putting off due to being the busy person you are. To make things even more fun, you can look up your favorite books on Audible, and purchase them so that you can view it from the convenience of your phone. Many times, they offer the ability for the book to be read to you as well. How awesome is that?!
For those looking for books on success and mindset, here are a few of my favorites:
2. Catch up on courses & homework
Have you recently signed up for a course or project and never had the opportunity to get started or finish it? Yeah me too! This week while at home, take a few hours to catch up on lessons and homework that have been pending. You'll discover that in just a few hours you will have completed what took you days, weeks or even months to do. Doing this not only keeps you productive, but you'll be increasing your learning and mindset all at the same time.
3. Work on your own course
Ever had an idea to create your own course? Something that could help people upgrade their life, change their mindset or get them the inside scoop on a certain industry. Over the next few days, take some time to create a digital product that not only pays you but helps others do better in life. During times like this, I love creating courses because I can finish the content for them in days and sometimes within hours, as there is nothing else that can become a distraction.
If you do decide that you want to work on your course, here are somethings you can finish as you wait for the storm to pass:
- Create and plan out your lessons
- Write the copy for each lessons
- Get the assignments or homework complete for each lesson
- Create the image or graphics you want to use for your course
4. Review your trades
Now, I'm speaking to all the traders out there who could be stuck in the storm. Now is a great time to look over some training videos, go over charts and plug into the educators. So many times I hear people complain about not having enough time to plug in to their trading, but now there is no excuse. I would even suggest going over your trades from the previous week, take time to write them in a journal, and jot down why you may have lost or won that trade. You'll begin to see a pattern, and I always push my team to follow and do more of the things that caused them to win!
5. Journalize, visualize and affirm
Last but not least, take some time to really see your future these next couple of days. Where are some places you want to go? How would you like to live? What type of home do you dream of having? Grab your favorite magazines, or use the power of google to look up, cut out and paste down your dream life and family onto your vision board. Many times our dreams perish (or die) because we don't have a clear vision in front of us of what we really want and desire, but this week that can all change. Remember this, you have to see what you want, before you manifest what you want, so let's take some time to see and put our desires before us.